Friday, October 24, 2008


i was just invited to the "i will not attend school on nov. 5th if john mccain is elected" event on facebook....
  • Tennessee's Words:
    After the November 4 election in which the President of the United States is chosen, if John McCain is elected, we will sit at home in resignation and in protest.
    Invite Everyone.
    By the way: "Attending" means that you WON'T attend school, and "Not Attending" means that you WILL attend school.
    Also, to those who would think otherwise: This event is not about sitting on our "blankety blanks" all summer and then whining if we don't get what we want.
    I think that we deserve to have our voices heard even if they can't be counted.
    Remember: This is just ONE day of school. That's less than we would miss if we had a 48-hour cold/flu thing.
    If you cannot miss school, wearing black is the next best thing:
    Someone just told me that there's going to be an inauguration protest if McCain is elected on January 20th outside the White House
.this is ground-breaking stuff people....i think an event saying "i will vote for obama on nov. 4th" would be more effective from the perspective of the inviter but i'm no political scientist....and how are their voices going to be heard exactly?  so far....over 112, 000 are "attending"....good luck saving the world

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

how guys with effeminate singing voices get me more awake than coffee

today was an awfully boring and just tired day....nothing to look forward to, not enough sleep the night before...that kinda day....not depressing exactly but definitely not exciting.  i tried some coffee to wake me up....only made me jittery.
then, wonder of wonders, i remembered copeland came out with a new cd today....suddenly the hours flew by and i had new purpose for was glorious....
and then as i walked out of work...i was delighted to find out i would be hanging out with the way groovy pattons tonight.  life is good!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

someday i will sit in that pasture

i absolutely love the drive to fortuna....i fall in love every single time.  there is a place that is so beautiful that i almost stop every time.  right around ferndale the trees open up and you can see the whole valley.  the sky melts from gray-blue to a smoky orange against dark blue hills and deep green pasture interspersed with all different shades of green trees.  i would learn to paint if only i could paint that scene.  
and then in other places there are trees that look like they've been planted upside down because of the way the branches lay....other trees look like they're straight from the african sahara.  
there's also those plants that look like feather dusters...can't remember the name...but when the sun is setting behind them, it's amazing.  i'm in love

on a completely different note....i along with my sisters am now a rap video star...please enjoy "the fight at the rave"
and click on the high quality's worth the extra two seconds