Last night as I was about to go to sleep, a cane spider ran across my floor, throwing me into decision time. Frantically search for and kill said spider or seek another place for rest. The thought of simply abiding with a mini-tarantula under my bed was not brought up. I stood there, dumb-founded for quite a while-thinking through my options, staring at the bed hiding my little friend. In the end, I snuck into my friend Lynette's room and asked if I could sleep in her bed...yes, I definitely felt like a 4-year old but hey....I was a.o.k with that
So after living with limited electricity for a few months here I've mastered the art of doing many everyday things in almost complete darkness. Bathroom activities....shower, shave, brush teeth....I've walked along every path with nothing more than a cell-phone lighting the way...downhill....uphill...with friggin frogs moving around in the bushes scaring me into some desperate prayers ever now and again for safety :) I always chuckle to myself about a jike no one seems to get about it being a walk of faith.
Anyway, I wonder at the new girls here-not feeling comfortable doing much of anything without a lantern with them all the time. I'm realizing now that its because I KNOW this campus like I know just about anything. I've done it all so many times in light and dark that it hardly matters. I am fully familiar with the territory. I wonder it thats how it is when we go through trials-times of spiritual darkness when we can't see more than the two feet ahead God is letting us see. Can we trust Him because we have known Him faithful in brighter times....and even darker times? Will we stand upon the promises of His Word because we have seen them in the daylight? How diligent we should be with the mid-days of our walk with Christ-when everything is hunky-dorey :) For if we slack with the blessings, how can we hope to find our way out in the darkness: But He is faithful, praise the Lord!
Wow, that spider is huge! I can barely look at it. I'm pretty sure I would have found another room to sleep too!
Yikes, girl...stay safe
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